Our database server wiped out by our friendly ISP

Petteri Pyyny
22 Dec 2003 6:43

Our database server, which contains all the users, forum posts, news, software downloads, etc was wiped totally out by our friendly, very soon former, ISP today without notifying about the issue at all.
Big thanks to them, we have now lost couple of thousand messages, few news and over one thousand users as the latest database backup we had was from 20th of December which has been now put online.
So, if your account information is somewhat whacked or you wish to re-post your comments about our new layout (and enter into the T-shirt draw) or whatever, please re-enter the data/messages/comments again.
The database is currently running on a backup server and it's affecting the performance of the server quite dramatically. Especially the forums are suffering from the slowdown.
We're sorry about this and promise that we'll move rest of our five servers to some other ISP hopefully today.
-Petteri Pyyny

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