Blu-Ray, EVD, AOD/HD-DVD... now FVD

Petteri Pyyny
6 Jan 2004 14:38

As mainstreaqm consumers around the world are rapidly moving towards recordable DVD standards, the fight for the next generation optical disc winner is already getting more heated than the good olde DVD-R vs DVD+R ever.
We already have Blu-Ray drives in Japanese markets. DVD Forum decided to use AOD in its HD-DVD specs. Then Chinese government-backed royalty evasion scheme EVD was unveiled by group of Chinese consumer electronics companies (who currently dominate most of the DVD player markets around the world, most notably American markets). Now, Taiwanese government-backed standard has been released. FVD or Finalized Versatile Disc has been developed by Taiwanese Opto-electronics & Systems Laboratories and uses Microsoft's Windows Media Video 9 (WMV9) and Windows Media Audio 9 (WMA9) formats to store the video on a disc. News sources don't mention whether the disc will use red or blue laser technology, but the fact that it uses Microsoft's codecs is a significant one as it is likely that Microsoft will start pushing the standard heavily into living rooms, at least in Asia.
Source: Digitimes

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