Movie rental downloads for 99 cents and less

Jari Ketola
23 Jan 2004 16:07

Service provider America Online and video-on-demand service Movielink have teamed up, and are promoting a "Winter Movie Special", a five week program that lets AOL for Broadband members exclusively download and rent some of the year's biggest movie titles for as little as 99 cents or less for each title.
Among the special priced items are movies like Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, Finding Nemo and Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. The movies are offered to AOL Broadband Members at 80 percent off the regular prices, $3.95 to $4.99, which means that the prices will fall between 79 and 99 cents.
The downloadable Movielink movies can be stored on hard disk for 30 days. After the movie is first viewed, it can be watched as many times as wanted during a 24-hour period.
Source: Press release

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