PlayStation 3 in 2006

Lasse Penttinen
28 May 2004 7:09

It seems that the game console leader Sony is not the first in goal in the "next generation" console race. As Xbox 2 and GameCube 2 are expected in 2005, the PlayStation 3 will be here in 2006, earliest. According to the source, the release is depending when the new processor technology is ready for show time, as PS3 will be the first implementation of the new chips.
Will the head start that Sony seems to be giving to the competitors have a significant influence on the market? I personally doubt it. Actually, I think that the consumers may wait and see the PS3 before making purchasing decisions, so it may have a stalling effect on Xbox2 and GC2 sales. But this is just speculation, of course.

it has been indirectly confirmed that Sony plan to launch the PS3 in March 2006. During its E3 Conference, Nonuyeki Idei - Chairman of Sony - had announced that the new CELL processor technology would be in action by that point in time. It is now definite that the next-gen Playstation will be the first manifestation of this new chip. Therefore, it can safely be assumed that this indicates the official PS3 release date.
Source: Spong

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