Studios sue retailer for selling DVD X Copy

Petteri Pyyny
28 May 2004 15:03

Two Hollywood studios, Twentieth Century Fox and Paramount Pictures, have sued an American online retailer, Technology One, claiming that it violated the court order issued against the DVD ripping products of 321 Studios by selling a version of 321 Studios' DVD X Copy that allows decrypting the CSS encryption found on most commercial DVD-Video discs.
Two separate federal courts, one in New York and one in California, have ruled that 321 Studios must stop selling a so-called "ripper version" of its product DVD X Copy. Company has itself taken steps to fulfill the court requirements and sells only a version of DVD X Copy that doesn't contain the CSS decrypter.
The lawsuit against the retailer seeks a court order that would bar the company selling the ripper-equipped version of the software and also seeks for damages, including the profits from previous sales.
Source: ABC 7 News

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