Yet another disposable DVD format announced

Petteri Pyyny
2 Jun 2004 15:13

French company has announced that they have developed the first competitor to the notorious EZ-D discs made by American company, Flexplay.
So far Disney has been the only major movie studio to run trials with disposable DVDs and so far the consumer interest to the format has been rather limited. Both discs, EZ-D and the new French competitor, dubbed as DVD-D, are aimed to the DVD rental market, removing the need for consumers to return the discs back to the rental store and allowing movie distributors to extend the DVD rentals outside traditional rental stores, like BlockBusters, as there's no need to have the infrastructure to handle the returns.
Just like EZ-D, the DVD-D is compatible with existing DVD players and uses a chemical coating on the discs that can be pre-set to make the disc unreadable after pre-selected time period, typically between 8 and 24 hours.
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