Grouper, a different form of P2P

James Delahunty
13 Sep 2004 18:04

New P2P software currently under development may change the way many of us use P2P. On existing P2P networks, if you share files, you are sharing them with the entire world so to speak, but with Grouper, users can setup mini P2P networks and share amongst themselves. Also Grouper does not allow you to download music from other users, but it does allow music to be streamed from other users PC's. This would be just the same as going to friend’s house and putting on a CD. Other files however can be shared directly between users.
Private P2P networks do exist, but this software makes setting up a mini P2P network as painless as possible. At the moment, only Windows 2000 and Windows XP support the software. Users can join the mini P2P networks you create through an email confirmation system. Since you would probably setup a network of friends, you would all have comparable tastes, which makes this software more appealing. Record labels have been long complaining about the mass distribution on P2P networks, we will have to wait and see what sort of response they give to Grouper's new friend to friend based sharing system.
Grouper is still only being tested but I for one, certainly am looking forward to trying it out.
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