Tech firms rally against Induce Act

James Delahunty
28 Sep 2004 17:06

More than forty technology companies today warned sponsors of a controversial copyright bill in the Senate that it would engender "an unmanageable flood of litigation that would tie up innovators and chill investment." They said that even the latest version remains unacceptable. The long list of groups includes CNET Networks, BellSouth, Earthlink, Google, MCI, MySQL, RadioShack, Panasonic, Red Hat, SBC Communications, Sun Microsystems, Texas Instruments, Uniden, Verizon Communications and Yahoo.
Needless to say the Induce Act has received very strong support from the entertainment industry. The Induce Act says "whoever intentionally induces any violation" of copyright law would be legally liable for those violations, a prohibition that would effectively ban file-swapping networks and could also imperil some consumer electronics devices. This for example could target such devices as Apples iPod.

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