Download MP3s from petrol pumps with your car

James Delahunty
26 Oct 2004 18:44

A new car has been unveiled in Italy that can apparently download MP3s from special petrol pumps. Along with that strange feature, the car can also be unlocked via SMS and displays PC screens on its windows. La Mia 500 is a customized Fiat 500 responds, informing the user that the car is open and whether it needs petrol, or air or water. The car is one of four projects at the Festival of Science in Genoa, Italy, run by the Italian digital design college Interaction Design Institute Ivrea.
The cars windows act as screens and allow passengers to sketch, or write SMS messages and emails and send them using wireless GPRS connections. The car also features a host of more small features that are really pushing technology to its limits; you are advised to visit the source for more information. It will be interesting to see a price tag on a car like this.

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