Denmark to join Poland opposition to the EU directive on software patents

James Delahunty
1 Feb 2005 0:56

Reports indicate that Denmark is to join Poland in opposition to the EU directive on software patents. Poland has blocked the formal adoption of the common position twice already. It is likely that the vote on the directive will be put back on the agenda list as an A-item. Denmark now says it will also oppose such a move, prior to the country's elections on 8 February, according to Groklaw. "The question of software patents was on the agenda during the meeting of the European subcommittee Friday, where minister of foreign affairs Per Stig Møller insured [sic] that Denmark will block acceptance of the directive prior to the Danish Parliament election.", appeared in a Danish article.
Denmark is a soft opponent of the directive. During the council meeting in May, which saw the Irish presidency's draft become the informal common position, Denmark expressed reservations about the draft, but voted in its favour. It is possible however that the Danish Government is just trying to limit EU activity in the run-up to the election, or may be trying to score political points at home. Either way, its opposition will mean further delay for the final vote on formal adoption of the common position on software patents. The JURI committee, responsible for legal affairs, will meet on 2 February to decide whether or not to restart the whole process.
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