Will Xbox 2 drop blue laser formats for the regular DVD format?

James Delahunty
7 Feb 2005 22:15

The Inquirer is reporting a rumour that Microsoft may pick the old fashioned DVD format for their new Xbox 2 (Xenon, Xbox 360, whatever...). In a very humorous new article, The Inquirer speaks of how their "spy" dropped a "brown envelope" through their letterbox claiming that Microsoft may choose the traditional DVD format to keep the cost of their consoles and their games down. Well, if it's true, isn't it very considerate of Microsoft to think of the potential price an Xbox 2 game will cost us.
Seriously though if it is true then it's very strange as Microsoft's new console is expected to feature the HD-DVD format. Let’s not forget also that if the new Xbox 2 uses the traditional DVD format, that it leaves the console even more vulnerable to mass piracy. Almost every new pre-built PC sold today has a DVD burner as a CD burner is kind of now thought of as the stone age of digital media amongst us geeks.
Of course, Microsoft's new Xbox 2 console will probably have some hardware protections against copied games but just think of all those modchip companies, they are going to destroy hundreds of next generation consoles putting all sorts of chips and boot discs to the test, how long will it take to compromise it? This is all just a rumour still however, so once again, I say, lets just sit back, wait and see.
The Inquirer

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