Doctor Who leak culprit sacked

James Delahunty
25 Mar 2005 2:34

According to the BBC, the person who was responsible for leaking the first episode of the news series of Doctor Who has been found. However, this is not a BBC employee, but an employee of the Canadian Broadcasting Company. The BBC said just days after the leak that they suspected it came from someone at the Canadian Broadcasting Company,; the BBC's international production partner. The first episode of the new series, Rose, will be first shown on BBC on Saturday at 7pm but has been available for download for weeks now.
"After a thorough investigation by BBC Worldwide's Canadian broadcast partner, the source of the leak of episode one of the new Doctor Who series has been traced to a third party company in Canada which had an early preview copy for legitimate purposes. The individual responsible for the leak has had their employment terminated by that company as a result." BBC worldwide said in a statement. "BBC Worldwide is considering further legal remedies and takes extremely seriously any unlawful copying or misuse of its copyright material."
Not all believe the BBC's story however. Many believe that the BBC leaked the episode themselves in a practice known as viral advertising. The BBC had gotten in experts to explain viral advertising to them and if this was their first attempt, then it was a success because the show is now more anticipated than it was before the "leak". Of course, the BBC denied this as quickly as they could.
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