Sony demonstrating Sci-Fi technology

Jari Ketola
9 Jun 2005 2:43

This is already a bit "old news", but I thought our readers would still be interested in a video showing some very cool technology from Sony. The video shows a modular user interface consisting of pieces that look almost like glass squares that are laid on a table and then interact with each other.
I was quite impressed by it myself. Reminded me of technology seen only in science fiction movies ten years ago.
The video can be seen at:
Update: The video shows DataTiles in action. The DataTiles were presented already in 2001.
The DataTiles system integrates the benefits of two major interaction paradigms: graphical and physical user interfaces. Tagged transparent tiles are used as modular construction units. These tiles are augmented by dynamic graphical information when they are placed on a sensor-enhanced flat panel display. They can be used independently or can be combined into more complex configurations, similar to the way language can express complex concepts through a sequence of simple words.
So this is definitely old news, but still interesting and cool to look at. =)

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