StreamCast adds BitTorrent support to Morpheus 5.0

James Delahunty
23 Jun 2005 5:13

While still having no decision from the Supreme Court, StreamCast has begun distributing a pre-release BitTorrent enabled test version of the next Morpheus update. Streamcast described Morpheus 5.0 as a breakthrough product but did admit that it may now seem like a much greater threat to the entertainment industry than previous versions of the software. StreamCast and Grokster are awaiting a decision from the Supreme Court which will rule whether they are liable for Copyright Infringement on the network.
Streamcast said that the new version of Morpheus also includes updated search and download technology that will provide users with lightning fast download speeds. The beta version contains no bundled software although it is unclear whether the finished product will include any third-party code. Since it is only a beta of the upcoming release, some of the features such as iPod support do not work. Podcast searches will also be possible, and there will be a mobile version of it as well as the support for purchased downloads.
It's nice to see new versions of P2P software coming with real useful updates. I, for one, will be looking forward to che3cking out Morpheus 5.0.
The Register

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