Sony sues Lik-Sang for selling PSPs

Lasse Penttinen
8 Aug 2005 11:53

The folks at Sony really don't like the Hong Kong based Lik-Sang, a popular online store for gamers. Back in the 2002 they sued Lik-Sang for selling MOD chips for PS2. This time they are against them for selling Sony PSP portable devices.
The PSP is yet to be released in Europe and the official release date is set a 1st of September. Lik-Sang however has been happy to sell and ship the devices to European customers. Sony feels that this is "unlawful interference with Sony's economic interests".. Another issue was the PSP owners manual that was made available on the Lik-Sang website.

Sony warned Lik-Sang on 14 June it would begin legal proceedings if the manual was not removed, along with links to Sony's own website. Lik-Sang maintains it immediately complied with that request.
Lik-Sang vowed to fight the case, claiming it has Hong Kong trade regulations on its side. They, it said, "allows free trade once an item entered the market for sale". In other words, what we do with a PSP once we've bought it is up to us - and that includes selling it on to consumers in the UK and elsewhere.
Source: The Register

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