Sony kills 'blasphemous' PlayStation advertisement

James Delahunty
2 Oct 2005 19:17

Advertisements by major companies that somehow manage to offend religious people are not a new thing at all. The latest ad to get some religious blood boiling was Sony's PlayStation advertisement that celebrated the PlayStation's dominance over the past ten years that it has been with us. The advertisement features a man, smiling with a crown of thorns around his head bent into the shape of PlayStation logos and a slogan that reads: "Ten years of passion."
Of course, some Catholics were seriously offended by this advertisement and have expressed their outrage. In the Bible, Jesus Christ was forced to wear a crown of thorns on his head by Roman guards who then ridiculed him before he was later crucified. "This time they've gone too far," said Antonio Sciortino, editor of Famiglia Cristiana (Christian Family). "If this had concerned Islam there would have been a really strong reaction,".
Sony Computer Entertainment Italia released a statement in which it expressed regret that the advertisement received such a reaction. The company acknowledged that the "spirit of the message was misunderstood" and promised that the advert campaign would not continue.

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