Japanese relaunch for Xbox 360 in June?

Matti Robinson
3 Apr 2006 23:31

Internet rumors declare that Microsoft is planning a relaunch in Japan for its console flag bearer, Xbox 360. The launch in Japan was shadowed by hype from Sony's and Nintendo's next-generation consoles, and as expected was rather hard to hit it big. As the German website GameFront reports are stated in ComputerAndVideoGames.com, "MS is planning a major relaunch for the console in the Land of the Rising Sun beginning on June 29."
Microsoft is trying to get the hoped momentum to Xbox 360 before the launch of two its competitors Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Revolution, and by giving a relaunch June 29, it might just get enough attention due to launch of several big game releases close to the date.
Even though it was expected that Microsoft will have hard time selling Xbox 360 in Japan, it could be considered an underachiever as it has sold only just over 27,000 Xbox 360s since Christmas, considering that Nintendo and Sony sell more in a week.
This rumor could actually have some truth in it, as four major "Japanese-friendly" game titles have release dates changed to June 29. These games include Ubisoft's Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter and Idea Factory's Spectral Force 3: Innocent Rage.
Arrival of Xbox 360's competitors, both expected before the end of the year, is going to make this a much harder task for Microsoft, and even the relaunch could be too little, too late.

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