NBC adds news and documentary content to iTunes

James Delahunty
26 May 2006 6:36

NBC has announced it will add some of its news and documentary content to Apple Computer Inc.'s iTunes download store. The company claims that it is the first news broadcaster to add current and archive content to the Apple store. "We're leading a trend to put our work and our journalism everywhere our viewers and users want it to be," said Mark Lucasiewicz, NBC News vice president for digital media. As more people switch to high-speed Internet services, the demand for video content is growing rapidly, and Apple wants to turn that demand into revenue.
Along with extra revenue for the company, the inclusion of hit TV shows such as Lost on iTunes helps to promote Apple's video iPod models. The deal to include NBC News content shows how Apple is striving to make iTunes a more complete video resource and not just focusing on the top US TV shows. NBC will also make documentary and special interest programming available through iTunes. Interviews with John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and a tour of the White House offered by First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy will be among the available content from NBC.

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