Disney to start online film service

Ben Reid
4 Jun 2006 10:27

Disney is planning to start selling movies over the internet via CinemaNow - including new films on the day of release. Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Disney's home video arm, is to make the films available on a download-to-own basis.
This move will give downloaders the ability to purchase films, new and old, for viewing on personal computers and portable devices. Films downloaded using this new service will, however be copy-protected using some form of Digital Rights Management (DRM).
Disney's service, scheduled to begin on 6th June, follows a similar move by five of its' Hollywood rivals, who launched similar services back in April. Universal Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Warner Bros., Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Paramount Pictures collectively created a download-to-own movie service via Movielink.
Up until April of this year, Hollywoods' major studios had been reluctant to distribute their films on the internet, as they feared that it would encourage illegal copying of their films and harm revenue from box office and video rental sales. But now, it appears they are ready to cash in on the lucrative online market.
BBC News

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