Actual Letter Sent to Swedish Officials Prior to TPB Raid

Dave Horvath
20 Jun 2006 12:53

Today's day and age is a glorious time to marvel in our own accomplishments. With the advent of the Internet, we have given birth to technological, political and ethical conflicts that we had never dreamed possible before. As a result of such technology, even a private correspondence between two professionals cannot remain hidden forever.
As most of you are well aware, the MPAA, Swedish Officials and even the U.S. Embassy all rejoiced as they raided and took down (for 3 days) their self-proclaimed nemesis, The Pirate Bay. Now circulating around the Internet is the actual letter sent from MPAA executive John G. Malcom to Swedish State Secretary, Dan Eliasson prior to the raid of The Pirate Bay.
Link can be found here.

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