YouTube to add music videos

Dave Horvath
16 Aug 2006 10:57

Internet users everywhere enjoy the sometimes amazing, comical, thought provoking and often outrageous video clips available on YouTube. Looking to expand its current reach, YouTube co-founder Steve Chen was quoted in saying "We're trying to bring in as much of this content as we can on to the site. What we really want to do is in six to 12 months, maybe 18 months, to have every music video ever created up on YouTube."
YouTube Inc. is currently in negotiations with the leading record labels to possibly post thousands of music videos available for mass consumption. They hope to bring a different service than the normal pay-to-play services like Apple's iTunes or AOL Music. Hoping to gear the site much like Yahoo Launch where users view videos within the web browser, however Chen is hopeful that YouTube's community feel will win the masses. YouTube currenly holds 60% of all video internet traffic, even rivaling Google Video.
The critical obstacle for YouTube is to get the record labels to fall into their business model to gain the rights to broadcast intellectual properties via their website.

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