Blockbuster suing rival Netflix in anti-trust claims

Dave Horvath
23 Aug 2006 6:59

A federal judge in San Francisco has given the go ahead for video rental giant, Blockbuster on anti-trust claims against rival company Netflix who sued Blockbuster for alleged patent violation.
Netflix had asked the courts to postpone the anti-trust suit until the patent issues could be resolved. However it was written by U.S. District Judge William Alsup, rejecting the motions by Netflix saying that Blockbuster adequately pled it's claims and he sees no reason why Netflix would be harmed in any way by allowing both claims to happen simultaneously.
Judge Aslup wrote, "As a result of Netflix's purported monopolistic conduct, Blockbuster may be forced out of the market, which would cede to Netflix virtually complete control of the online-DVD market".
Blockbuster spokesman Randy Hargrove stated, "pleased with today's ruling and we remain intent on aggressively pursuing our antitrust counter-claims." While Netflix representative, Steve Swasey gave his own comments in saying the business will, "continue to defend our patents and business methods."

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