Microsoft confirms Toshiba will produce Zune

Dave Horvath
25 Aug 2006 17:27

In a leaked filing with the FCC, its been uncovered that Japanese hardware giant, Toshiba will partner with Microsoft on the upcoming "iPod killer". In the filing, it was discovered that Microsoft will release a 30Gb Zune with wireless internet capabilities before the end of this year.
Analysts predict the Zune will be direct competition to the market leading iPod in the digital music market. Microsoft hopes to take away a good portion of the market from it's rival Apple. They've also stated that the Zune's success will hinge on whether or not the unit will allow you to download music from the built in wireless.

No price has been released yet for the Zune, but if Microsoft's track record for competing prices holds true, consumers can expect to pay close to the same amount as they would for Apple's product.

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