Apple offers red Nano to fight AIDS

Dave Horvath
13 Oct 2006 8:49

Apple released today an aluminum red iPod Nano in cooperation with Irish megalomaniac Bono in which every sale will see $10 go towards helping find a cure for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
The unit will sell for $199 and offer the same specifications as your typical Nano. With the 1.5" screen, 24 hour playtime on a full battery, 1,000 songs and 25,000 picture capabilities, iPod fanatics can enjoy all their Nano goodness while feeling like they're contributing to a good cause.
The announcement of the iPod Nano Red is a cross-brand campaign with the aforementioned Bono dubbed (PRODUCT) RED. In cooperation with this campaign, several other companies like Motorola are offering a red RAZR and The Gap is ponying up their own red lether jacket to help the cause.

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