PS3 sees worst sales week since launch

Dave Horvath
19 Jan 2007 6:35

Published from Media Create, reports show that Sony's Playstation 3 console has shown a sharp decline in sales and had its worst week since its launch in Japan.
Media Create published a report showing Sony only selling some 25,531 units for the week of January 14. Although, Media Create also reports that the entire console sales for that week were relatively poor. Total sale of all three consoles including the PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii is estimated at 128,274 units which accounts for the lowest week since Nintendo entered the race on December 2nd. Individually, the Wii sold 93,708 units during the same week, while Microsoft managed to sell 9,035 of their year old consoles. Microsoft's surge in Xbox 360 sales can be attributed in part to the Japanese release of Blue Dragon bundled with the console.
Sony representatives replied to the report saying that Sony had shipped 1 million PS3 units to Japanese shelves on January 16, therefore the numbers do not reflect accurate information. There is a stark contrast between 25k units and 1 million units actually sold. Media Create backs up its data by saying they collect data from over 3,000 shops around Japan and extrapolate their data based on their findings as nationwide figures.

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