Apple and Cisco attempt to work out iPhone dispute

James Delahunty
2 Feb 2007 18:44

The lawsuit against Apple Computer Inc., filed by Cisco Systems over the use of the "iPhone" trademark as been temporarily suspended in hopes that companies can come to an agreement. The lawsuit has not been withdrawn but the two firms have launched talks aimed at "reaching agreement on trademark rights and interoperability".
Cisco immediately sued Apple for trademark violations when the iPhone was introduced in San Francisco in January. The device will be available to purchase in June. Initially Cisco senior VP Mark Chandler said: "There is no doubt that Apple's new phone is very exciting, but they should not be using our trademark without our permission."
Apple had responded to the lawsuit by calling it "silly", adding that Cisco's trademark registration was "tenuous at best." "There are already several companies using the name iPhone for Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) products," said Apple spokesman Alan Hely said at the time. "We are the first company to ever use the iPhone name for a cell phone, and if Cisco wants to challenge us on it we are very confident we will prevail."
However now both companies have released a statement that reads "Apple and Cisco have agreed to extend the time for Apple to respond to the lawsuit to allow for discussions between the companies with the aim of reaching agreement on trademark rights and interoperability."
BBC News

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