Apple Computer Inc. and Apple Corps reach agreement

James Delahunty
5 Feb 2007 7:39

The dispute between Apple Computer Inc. and Apple Corps over the use of the trademark "Apple" has finally been settled. Apple Computer Inc. is to take full control of the Apple brand and license certain trademarks back to Apple Corps - a record company started by the Beatles - for continued use. The two companies have been in a dispute over this issue for more than 25 years.
Steve Jobs said the long running dispute had been "painful". "We love the Beatles and it has been painful being at odds with them over these trademarks." he said. "It feels great to resolve this in a positive manner, and in a way that should remove the potential of further disagreements in the future."
The dispute dates back to 1980, when the George Harrison noticed an advert for Apple computers in a magazine. "It is great to put this dispute behind us and move on. The years ahead are going to be very exciting times for us." Apple Corps manager Neil Aspinall said. "We wish Apple Inc every success and look forward to many years of peaceful co-operation with them."
BBC News

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