DirecTV HD ads pulled

James Delahunty
6 Feb 2007 9:16

A judge in New York has ordered satellite TV provider DirecTV to pull advertisements that feature Jessica Simpson and William Shatner while a lawsuit brought by Time Warner Cable for "false advertising" proceeds. DirecTV has claimed that its high definition broadcasting is superior in quality to cable services. Time Warner Cable found this claim misleading and filed a lawsuit against DirecTV.
The ads in question feature both Simpson and Shatner claiming that DirecTV is the best. Simpson is in her Daisy Duke character when she says, "You're just not going to get the best picture out of some fancy big-screen TV without DirecTV. It's broadcast in 1080i. I totally don't know what that means, but I want it."
Shatner is Star Trek's Capt. James T. Kirk when he says, "With what Starfleet just ponied up for the big screen TV, settling for cable would be illogical."
United Press International

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