LG's hybrid player officially on sale

James Delahunty
6 Feb 2007 8:04

Almost three weeks after LG's hybrid Blu-Ray Disc / HD DVD player showed up in some big box retailers, the item has been declared "officially on sale", meaning it will take over the DVD player section in Best Buy, Circuit City, CompUSA etc. now. The player sells for a steep $1199, claimed to be a bargain since it technically can play both next-gen discs.
The item still does not sport the HD DVD logo, due to its lack of support for the HDi (formerly known as iHD) interactivity layer that is used mainly for menu purposes on HD DVD titles. The device reportedly also lacks some other features that are considered mandatory by the HD DVD camp.
That being said, when this item was shown at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) last month, it marked a stepping stone for bringing a wider audience to high definition movies.

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