Sony: 1000 PS2 games backwards compatible with Euro PS3

James Delahunty
1 Mar 2007 6:18

Sony has confirmed that only a limited number of games will be playable on the European PlayStation 3 (PS3) console due to the removal of the hardware necessary for full support. However, the company said the number is supported titles is increasing every day and that by launch, about 1000 titles will be fully supported by the system.
"The situation is changing everyday, but on March 23, we expect the list to include over 1000 PS2 titles," Sony's president of worldwide studios Phil Harrison revealed to blog ThreeSpeech. Sony has noted that consumers expect backwards compatibility as a standard feature, especially since the full support was originally promised by the company.
However, the console maker believes that early adopters will be more interested in PlayStation 3 titles than playing their old PS2 games, and by providing regular updates, a steady stream of classic games will be supported by the system. "We're working to introduce a resource to the Web to detail which titles will have backwards compatibility. And as we make firmware upgrades, we will be able to add to that list," said Harrison.

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