Xbox 360 HDMI will need no code changes to be supported

Andre Yoskowitz
27 Mar 2007 10:20

In another update to the rumored Xbox 360 Elite, Shawn Hargreaves, and XNA Framework Developer for Microsoft has commented that there will be no code changes necessary to support the HDMI output in the new, revised 360.
Hargreave's comment seems to insinuate that the new HDMI output options will "be completely transparent to developers" which should leave all the video duties up to the advanced scaling hardware inside the revised 360.
His comment could also mean that games that dont natively support the 1080p resolution will be upscaled to do so. Movie fans should be happy as well because the current 360 line can only send a 1080i signal using component cables.
For the current line of 360s, you have to use a VGA cable to hit 1080p but that should not be the case soon when the Elite hits store shelves.

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