RIAA chases down promotional tracks

Andre Yoskowitz
8 Apr 2007 9:55

Nine Inch Nails, trying to promote their new album "Year Zero" have hit a roadblock. That roadblock is the RIAA.
In trying to promote their album, NIN released an internet scavenger hunt that led to a website where you can download singles from the new album. The band also dropped USB flash drives in the bathrooms of their concert venues, with each drive containing a song from the new album.
The idea was to get fans to swap the music and start talking about the new CD which is exactly what happened.
The whole plan backfired when the RIAA began to send out emails demanding the fans to remove the music from their sites and threatening to sue them for every single shared.
Why the RIAA is going against a decision that was signed off by the label they are trying to protect is anyones guess.


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