Personal trainer promotes Wii

James Delahunty
9 Apr 2007 19:12

Zander Urquhart, 32, from Glasgow is one of the first fitness experts to promote the use of Nintendo's Wii console as an exercise machine. The console's innovative controller requires more active gameplay from the user compared to traditional controllers and Univeristy studies showed that gamers can burn up to 125 calories during an average 15 minute session with select titles.
Zander decided to help his clients by using a Wii after he witnessed a client's son playing one. "This five-year-old needed encouragement to do any exercise - but here he was running about for half-an-hour working up a sweat," he said. He targeted kids initially, but then realized that adults were just as keen to try it out. "It's been great for adults coming back from injury and for OAPs," Zander said.
"We're not aware of anyone else doing this but it shows what the Wii can be used for," a Nintendo spokesperson commented. A study by Liverpool John Moores University found that in an average 12.2-hour gaming week, Wii players can burn up to 1830 calories, which amounts to 27lb a year.

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