Sony Europe creates new website to promote Blu-ray

Andre Yoskowitz
25 Apr 2007 7:55

In a seemingly ridiculous promotional effort for Blu-ray, Sony Europe has created a new website entitled "The Museum of Low Resolution".
The interactive site shows us Sony's vision of the future, a future where Blu-ray is the only high def format, and a world where low resolution TV is a long forgotten memory worthy of its own museum.
If you visit the site you can tour three virtual "museum exhibits", the "Time Tunnel," "The Science Room," and "The Art of HD."
"The Art of HD" gives a visual explanation of what Blu-ray is through a few interactive flash based exhibits that explain the disc's resolution power and storage capacity.
It is an interesting website if you are curious to check it out although be prepared for Blu-ray propaganda.
Visit the Museum Here

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