Slingbox gets cool with NHL

Dave Horvath
8 Jun 2007 19:58

The National Hockey League has inked a deal with Sling Media, makers of the Slingbox. The Slingbox allows users to stream media from your television or DVR to any computer in the world. This deal is part of a push for their new service Clip+Sling which takes on a service similar to the popular YouTube website. The NHL has agreed to allow users to not only stream their favorite games, but they can take specific clips from games and upload them to the Sling Media website. The NHL also promises to upload their own original content for the masses to consume.
In contrast, another sports group, Major League Baseball doesn't feel that this service does their franchise any justice. To quote an MLB representative, Slingbox will allow users to ""redistribution of content without MLB’s express written consent". The MLB feels that allowing users to stream home games to anywhere in the world would interfere with their own already available content. The MLB hasn't made any moves towards legal actions to stop Sling Media from doing what it does best, but from the looks of it, it doesn't look like baseball fans will be able to partake in the same goodness.
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