Three million iPhones for launch?

James Delahunty
9 Jun 2007 4:57

According to a report by BusinessWeek's Peter Burrows, Apple Inc. may have a pleasant surprise for iPhone seekers looking to pick up their own iPhone on June 29th. Burrows cites industry sources as saying that three million iPhones will be available through Apple and AT&T stores around the United States at launch. If true, it would mean that pretty much all consumers interested in buying a model at launch will get one.
"Still, Apple will need to execute flawlessly. In units built and shipped, the iPhone launch will dwarf anything Apple has attempted," Burrows wrote. "It plans to have 3 million iPhones ready for sale on June 29, two sources say." The report noted how the iPod wasn't a huge hit when it launched in 2001, but now has sold over 100 million units, helped by constant production increases.
"Jobs did so expertly, often creating a sense of scarcity by running slightly short of demand," Burrows implies. "With all the buildup over the iPhone, pumping up demand will be the least of his concerns."

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