Samsung calls lawyers over Panasonic plasma claims

James Delahunty
2 Jul 2007 19:25

Samsung has called in its legal team in Australia after Panasonic ran an advertising campaign claiming that most consumers preferred Plasma TVs to LCD TVs while viewing both together. Samsung, which sells both plasma TVs and LCD TVs, is not alone in challenging the Panasonic claims; Sony also issued an open letter to retailers after taking legal advice over the campaign.
Sony claimed that the Panasonic campaign is actually confusing the market. Samsung lawyers have warned Panasonic in a letter that its campaign may be in breach Section 52 of the Trade Practices Act because material aspects of the campaign do not accurately reflect the facts about LCD.
"While we support consumer choice of the two formats, both of which have their merits, and we support the use of clever advertising campaigns, we feel it is incumbent upon advertisers to ensure their advertisements accurately reflect the facts. Our lawyers have written to Panasonic to address our concerns and to ask for the research methodology," Samsung Corporate Marketing Manager Kurt Jovais said.
Panasonic has deleted and changed some of the claims published on its website in response.


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