Consumer education key to hi-def sales

Rich Fiscus
20 Jul 2007 7:26

Research presented at the Home Media Expo on Wednesday shows that 10% of consumers think they already have a hi-def player of some kind, while the real figure is closer to 1%.
If you've been following the development and introduction of HD DVD and Blu-ray at all over the last few years this probably comes as no surprise. In fact you may be one of the people that market research firm NPD says don't see a difference between those technologies and regular DVD. If so, you probably don't have plans to buy into either of the new formats any time soon.
Russ Crupnick, an analyst for NPD, said “Consumers are entirely confused.” He also mentioned that while smaller retailers have a good chance to increase sales by providing the needed consumer education, they should avoid investing too heavily in the next generation technologies because most consumers probably buy movies and music at so called "big box" stores.
This is in contrast to early adopters of both formats, whom Nielsen Media Research says buy most of their movies at electronics and game specialty stores.
Source: Video Business

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