Amazon heats up HD format war

Andre Yoskowitz
28 Aug 2007 16:38

The giant retailer Amazon has begun a huge promotion that should heat up the already hot next-gen format war. They have dropped the price on three Toshiba HD DVD players and the Sony PlayStation 3 as well as add combo packages that lower the price even furthur.
Purchasing the three standalones, the Toshiba HD-A2, Toshiba HD-A20, or Toshiba HD-XA2 will get you 3 HD DVD movies instantly and stacks on with the "Five Free" promotion that has been running for awhile now. At its best, the promotion will get you a Toshiba HD-A2 plus 8 movies for $211 USD. The movies instantly available are such hits as "The Departed", "300", "TMNT" and "Happy Feet" among others.
If you are an Xbox 360 owner, the deal gets even sweeter. Buying the drive will get you the 8 movies as well as an extra "King Kong" title for $180 USD.
The deal for the PlayStation is almost equally as good as the HD DVD deal. Buying the system will get you 8 Blu-ray movie titles with a final price of $472 USD.
For interested parties, I'd say check these deals quick before they run out, they are the best deals for those interested in HD I've seen to date.

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