Netflix says demand for HD discs is evenly split

Andre Yoskowitz
28 Aug 2007 8:49

Netflix, the US' largest online DVD rental service has said that its demand for HD discs, HD DVD and Blu-ray, are just about equal but also reiterated what most knowledgeable consumers know already, that the sales and rentals were tiny as compared to standard definition DVDs.
CEO Reed Hastings said that the company was still seeing low demand for HD discs but that demand was equal for both rivals.
"We carry all the Blu-ray titles and we carry all the HD DVD, so we're agnostic. And we think the solution in that market is to have the studios publish on both,"
said Hastings. "(Customer demand) is pretty evenly split between them (but it's) tiny, like a percent or something."
That statement is in contrast to disc sales, where Blu-ray holds a 60/40 sales margin. It should be interesting to see if those numbers change as Blu-ray standalone players increase in sales.

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