Integra to release HD DVD player

James Delahunty
7 Sep 2007 7:28

Integra, which is known for selling high-end audio/video equipment, announced this week that it will release a HD DVD player by the end of the year, joining many other third party companies planning to unveil HD DVD hardware this year. Integra's HD DVD player will support full HD 1080p video playback at 24fps (for compatible displays). It also includes a built-in HQV Reon VX processor and an Ethernet port.
It will, however, be one of the most expensive players of the 2007 line-up, expected to retail for around $1,100. It will have a series of high-end DACs for custom home automation and analog A/V connections. HD DVD's rival, Blu-ray, looks to be the better performing format for the time being and many third party companies have come forward with plans for Blu-ray players.
Sony's own Blu-ray equipment accounts for more than 90% of Blu-ray stand-alone player sales, according to Home Media. More than half a dozen companies will put out HD DVD players this year, with Venturer gaining interest in its upcoming HD DVD player, rumored to be around $200 or less.
TG Daily

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