Warner still not picking a side in the hi-def format war

Rich Fiscus
12 Sep 2007 22:35

Despite reports of lucrative offers to follow Paramount's lead and get behind HD DVD exclusively, Waner Home Video president Ron Sanders says competitive sales of both formats are likely to ensure they release titles in both formats.
In an interview with This Week In Consumer Electronics, Sanders answered questions about the future of HD at Warner, saying "we’re talking to both sides and it’s crazy right now. We remain committed to both for the time being. We’ll see how the fourth quarter plays out. The consumer is still kind of divided, and we still believe that we should offer the content in both formats. Now, we will watch the marketplace very closely, and see how it plays out, but for now we are supporting both."
He called the current situation between HD DVD and Blu-ray "a Mexican standoff", and indicated that his company doesn't really care which side wins, as long as people are buying some kind of players so they can sell whatever kind of discs they play.
Unlike other companies, Warner has hedged it's bets by creating TotalHD which includes HD DVD on one side of the disc and Blu-ray on the other. According to Sanders plans for TotalHD releases are "on hold right now" because other studios haven't shown interest in it.
Source: This Week In Consumer Electronics

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