Toshiba aims for 30-inch OLED by 2009

James Delahunty
3 Oct 2007 5:16

Toshiba Corp. appears to have brought its expectations for bigger OLED screens a few years closer, saying it will have a 30-inch OLED screen on the market in 2009. OLED screens offer benefits that will in some ways, be on par with the switch many consumers made from CRT TV sets to LCD or Plasma models. Sony announced this month that it will offer its first OLED screen, a small 11-inch screen, in Japan with a price tag of about $1,744 USD.
Not to be outdone, Toshiba President and CEO Atsutoshi Nishida, announced that the company would have its own 30-inch OLED screen on the market in 2009, while it previously had slated such availability of Toshiba OLED screens for 2015 or 2016. OLED offers incredible benefits, but the panels are hard to manufacture and right now they degrade too quickly with a lifespan of approximately 30,000 hours, compared to an average 50,000 hours for LCD.
OLED offers benefits in power consumption as it does not require backlighting like LCD technology. It also offers much higher contrast ratio for noticeably better picture quality and the screens are extremely thin. Toshiba's previous big plans to make waves in the multi-billion market for flat-panel television was SED. Unfortunately SED has been left almost dead due to legal issues with Canon and Nano-Proprietary. Hopefully Toshiba will have more luck with OLED goals.

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