Media companies gear up for big copyright movement

Dave Horvath
18 Oct 2007 12:34

Several of the top media groups have joined forces in an agreement to combat copyright infringement on the Internet. Companies such as Fox, Microsoft, Viacom, MySpace and others have all signed an agreement to better Filter copyrighted material and how its distributed on the web.
Absent from the ballot appears to be Google who seems to always be wrapped up in some type of infringement lawsuit. In fact, there currently is a $1 billion suit filed by Viacom for just that. As a public show of saving face, it's quite possible that Google may join this coalition very soon.
Details of the venture as set to be released later today, however the ultimate goal is to collectively assist in Blocking the upload and distribution of copyrighted material to websites and blocking said material before it is able to be consumed by the masses.
One of the biggest offenders, Google and YouTube released new filters on their servers to help combat copyrighted material, however it does not possess the technology to Block it from being uploaded in the first place.

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