Despite Bourne, Blu-ray still wins week

Andre Yoskowitz
28 Dec 2007 18:12

After taking a week off for the holiday season, the official HD disc sales data are in from Nielsen VideoScan, and the results are not surprising.
Despite very strong sales of the HD DVD-exclusive "Bourne Ultimatum", Blu-ray won the week ending December 16th by a 61:39 margin. "Ultimatum" outsold Blu-ray's best title, "POTC: At World's End" by an almost 2:1 ratio, but Amazon's Blu-ray BOGO (buy one get one free) sale helped bring old favorites such as "300", "Spider-Man 3", and "Casino Royale" to sales they haven't seen in a while.
This upcoming week should be interesting to see considering Amazon and Best Buy have had BOGO sales running on HD DVD titles.

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