Quanta and ooVoo team up for HD chat system for HDTVs

Andre Yoskowitz
24 Mar 2008 21:49

Quanta and ooVoo have announced that they have teamed up to "produce the first plug-and-play, real-time, high-definition video chat and messaging system" for HDTVs.
Citing the continuing growth in HDTV sales and the huge popularity of chat and instant message programs the companies say the product will "easily turn a laptop computer, HDTV or desktop PC into a high-definition chat screen."
Quanta Research Institute, the research Center for the world’s largest laptop maker would develop the hardware, while it would be ooVoo's job to work on the interface and any related software. In the end the two companies hope to develop technology that "would allow users to plug the product into an HDTV source and the Internet as easily as they would a webcam."
The technology would utilize the H.264 codec for video Compression meaning that users would need at least "512kbps of Bandwidth for one-way 720p video feeds at 30 frames per second," which should not be an issue for anyone with DSL or cable, or better.

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