Older PC games coming, downloadable and DRM-free

Andre Yoskowitz
12 Jul 2008 0:19

Good Old Games, a European gaming company, has announced that it will begin allowing gamers to access and download old PC games that are very hard to find legally or have been abandoned.
The company will provide titles from as far back as the early 80's and in a downloadable format that is completely DRM-free. The games will also be reasonably priced, ranging from $5.99 to $9.99 per title. Also, once you have purchased the title, you can download it whenever you want, all the times you want.
This new model seems very attractive for the consumer, especially those who want to revisit games that haven't been available in stores for 10 or even 20 years. The fact that they do not have DRM and are attractively priced make the situation all that much better.

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