Central Michigan University asks regulators to shut down RIAA investigators

Rich Fiscus
6 Aug 2008 1:40

MediaSentry is coming under more fire. This time it's Michigan Central University going on the offensive with a complaint to the state government. They're asking that the RIAA investigators be forced halt investigative activities until they obtain the proper licensing.
MediaSentry has insisted that they're actually exempt from the licensing requirement under Michigan law because they're only paid for their technical expertise. Despite backing this claim up, RIAA lawyers have also gone on the record characterizing MediaSentry as "not offering any expert opinions." Michigan officials have already sent a letter to MediaSentry suggesting they may need a license.
In the complaint, MCU's Assistant General Counsel asked that the Michigan Dept of Labor & Economic Growth "take immediate steps to issue a cease and desist letter to Media Sentry Demanding that they cease their ongoing investigations of Michigan residents until such time as they are properly licensed by the state."
Until earlier this year MediaSentry themselves had promoted their services for "gathering information for civil/criminal litigation." In February their website was suddenly edited to remove references to their investigations. Conveniently this happened as a wave of allegations that their activities were illegal.

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