Orange denies it paid actors to stand in iPhone lines

Andre Yoskowitz
28 Aug 2008 13:32

Last week we reported that mobile phone carrier Orange was paying actors in Poland to stand in iPhone lines to create phony demand.
There was worry that the Apple iPhone 3G was not selling very well in Poland but that Orange did not want to show weakness in that respect.
It turns out however that Orange is denying those rumors and is saying they have not and will not hire actors to create phony demand for the device.
According to an Orange official, "As part of the excitement around the launch of the iPhone, some of our team have been joining customers outside our shops. Their aim is to welcome people to the Orange shop, share in their excitement and give information about Orange tariffs. The rumors in the Polish press are untrue."
The same spokeswoman added that "sales were strong" in the country.

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