Xbox 360 will outsell PS3 for the holidays, says Microsoft

Andre Yoskowitz
20 Oct 2008 23:15

In an interview with Kotaku, Aaron Greenberg, group product manager for Xbox 360 has said that the company is confident it's console will outsell the rival Sony PlayStation 3 for the holiday season, worldwide.

"We expect to continue our price advantage over the PlayStation 3 for a long time,"
said Greenberg.
"And we feel confident that we'll outsell the PS3 this holiday season in North America and in Europe. We'll do it on a global scale."
Greenberg cited the across the board price cut as well as a collection of new bundles as reasons for why the console will succeed.
"We've seen lifts across all consoles, but the Arcade is doing exceptionally well,"
added Greenberg.
The 360 has outsold the PS3 in Japan for five weeks straight and recently outsold its rival in the US for the month of September.

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